Kitchen Shoes


First day of class lunch! And how cool is my lunch box?! I'm obsessed! 1 green apple, 5 baby carrots, 1/2 cup of sugar snap peas, 1 Baby Bell cheese with reduced fat Ritz. And for dessert 2 peanut butter cookies made by yours truly!




Skinny pizza anyone?
  • Sandwich Skinnys
  • Ragu pizza sauce
  • Mozzarella cheese - shredded
  • Hormer pepperonis

Pop in the toaster oven for 4-5 minutes and you're done!

They were pretty delicious but I suggest only making one at a time. The second one got a bit soggy while sitting on the plate. Enjoy!

Like I said before, all the junk food I've been eating has left me feeling gross and slugish so I decided to do a little detoxing. I add just a splash of 100% pure cranberry juice (not juice cocktail) to a cup of water. The juice/water mixture taste pretty good especially when you drink as much water as I do and want a little flavor for a change. Its very gentle and won't leave you with a tummy ache (bonus). Here's the brand I use, I got it at Sprouts Farmers Market.

I tend to be a snacker more than a 3-meals-a-day kind of a girl, but I do try to make breakfast my biggest meal. My go-to breakfast a low fat, whole grain Eggo Waffle with a 2 teaspoons of Smart Balance peanut butter and 1/4 cup of sugar free syrup. Sometimes I add  slices of 1/2 of a banana.
I am wanting to try almond butter vs. peanut butter...brand suggestions?

For lunch yesterday I had a Fit & Active strawberry yogurt and about an hour and half later an Almond Crunch Atkins bar.

Dinner is where I tend to slip up the most. Thanks to our resident ghost our gas stove is on the fritz so we're limited to a convection toaster oven, a toaster and a griddle. Yesterday's dinner was black bean, chicken and cheese quesadillas.

Today for lunch I had a turkey and cheese sandwich and an apple a little later. Low sodium, 98% fat free turkey from the deli counter on 100% whole wheat Sandwich Skinnys. I wasn't sure how I was going to like the skinnys but they were very tasty and only 100 calories for both pieces!

I am currently loving yogurt covered raisins! Not something I was able to eat before but they do have health benefits and not to mention delicious!

I have a huge sweet tooth so for dessert tonight I had 1 cup of Bluebell's lite vanilla ice cream with a drizzle of sugar free chocolate syrup! YUMMY! 

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